Adelmo, Alejandro, and Alejandra: Three of a Kind

It’s time for another edition of Families at Folding Guard, where we like to highlight some of the fantastic families who work together for our company. This month, we spoke with Adelmo, Alejandro, and Alejandra, a father, son, and daughter, respectively, who all work for FG.
Adelmo began working for Folding Guard first back in 2009, followed just four years later by his son, Alejandro. Both are now Leads in their respective departments, Adelmo in Shipping, and Alejandro in both Powder and Assembly. Alejandra is the newest member of their family to join the FG team, starting in August of 2019 . She works as a clerk in the Powder department, reporting directly to her big brother. Alejandra is quick to point out, however, that she got the job on her own merits.
“No one knew I was applying,” she laughs. Of course, people knew she was the boss’s brother from day one, but Alejandro said that if anything, he’s harder on his sister than his other team members.
“But I’m proud of her,” he adds. “She picked up the job really quickly.” Alejandro said that while he doesn’t pull any punches with his family on the job, he does really enjoy working with his father and sister.
Outside of work, the family is just as tight as they are inside the FG walls. Alejandro and Adelmo both love soccer; Alejandro loves to play and Adelmo loves to watch. Alejandra loves makeup (when she mentions this, Adelmo laughs and agrees, and chimes in that he likes to shop as well).
It’s clear that Adelmo is very proud of both of his children, and the feeling is mutual. Alejandro feels a sense of pride that his father has managed to become a lead while speaking English as a second language. Alejandra is proud of her father’s strong work ethic. Folding Guard is proud of all three of them. They’re great employees and a great family.