Kathy Urbina: A Career that Keeps on Climbing

It’s time for another Spotlight on Service, where we like to take the time to feature and thank our team members who have been a part of the Folding Guard family the longest. This month, we want to shine the spotlight on Kathy Urbina, who will reach her 20 year milestone with FG in April.
Kathy started with Folding Guard all the way back in 2001 as a receptionist. She quickly rose through the ranks, and has worked in just about every department in the company. Kathy has had positions in accounts payable, purchasing, and as an Assistant Manager in receivables and the warehouse, among many more along the way. Today, she holds the position of Inventory Manager. When asked what she’s most proud of in her time at Folding Guard, Kathy replies that she’s proud to have worked her way up from receptionist to a management position; no simple feat, to be sure.
As an Inventory Manager, Kathy oversees inventory to maintain stock levels at a sustainable amount. She is also in charge of a team of inventory and warehouse employees, as well as analyzing daily product and supply levels. Additionally, Kathy is in charge of purchasing for consumables: items including, but not limited to, machine parts, cardboard, and anything that gets frequently used up around the office like coffee or cleaning supplies.
But Kathy doesn’t worry just about her own role and department. Her coworkers note that she is incredibly helpful, and always willing to go above and beyond, often taking on extra work to help her coworkers and teammates out.
Outside of work, Kathy loves to craft, and especially enjoys making crafts for her granddaughter Ellie, who is just over one year old!
With her kind, helpful demeanor and her can-do attitude, Kathy has been and continues to be an extremely valued team member here at Folding Guard. We’re so excited that she’s stuck with us these past 20 years, and we can’t wait to see where her career continues to take her!
To learn about more of our fantastic employees, check out our other Spotlight on Service blogs!